Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Udderly Delightful Cow Cake

 Here is the cake I made for my daughter's first birthday... Red velvet cake, buttercream icing, and all fondant covering and cows. I love a good excuse to decorate a cake! 

Primary Chorister Aids

I love being the Primary Chorister (children's music leader) in my local church. It is such a fun calling and I have really enjoyed making things to help me teach. Below is a pick and choose game, signing signs (Finch Family Games), aids I dreamt up for Nursery (18 months to 3 years old kids) music, a sing-o-meter I put together (Finch Family Games), and I tree I designed that has apples, fall leaves, birds and snowflakes on it for choosing songs or ways to sing. It is fun to try to stretch my brain to create new ways to teach and sing every week!

File Folder Games

I made twenty or so of these a while back for my kids to play with during Sacrament Meeting at church or on Sundays at home. They are wonderful and provide countless hours of simple learning entertainment. Easy and cheap to make. The ones pictured are from Finch Family Games file folder books that my sister gave me.