Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Glass Nativity Blocks

I designed and made these glass blocks for our ward's Super Saturday. I drew the pictures to use for the vinyl (I roughly based them off of other pictures I found). I am going to drill mine eventually to put lights in but I am not looking forward to that task- maybe this year they will just have lights behind.

Car Seat Blanket

I made this snuggly car seat blanket. Pretty sure this is the best invention ever and I had two of them (given to me for free) and never I knew what they were- dang! This tucks into the carseat so you can pull the straps through to buckle baby (so you don't have to move baby in and out), then baby is swaddled in the blanket all cozy like in the soft minky fabric. I made a little detachable hood for wintertime as well, but have never really needed to use it. After using the sucker for a while after baby was born I wish I had moved the slits up a bit closer to the top to make it fit around baby a little better, but otherwise it has been great!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Blocks and Hanger

These blocks have changed slightly since I made them... (bat is better and the blocks are wrapped in a big sparkly, purple bow)...

This was deisgned and cut by Cami for Super Saturday... put together by myself.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Frame Crazy

I had a lot of fun trying to fix up some of the old frames I had and made some new cheap crafty ones as well. It was fun to see what I could do to change them up with what I already had in the house!

I cut out pictures from the Ensign and made a "mat" around both documents. I have a white Proclamation that has a temple showing through to put in that one eventually.

I made these in an another attempt to boost the amount of religious art in my house...

I have also really wanted to get some folk dance pictures up so I used this big frame to make a collage of some pictures taken of us on stage...

I also FINALLY got some wedding pictures up...over six years later. I have always had some in little frames but nothing really substantial. You can't see it in this picture, but I took out the backs of these frames and put in some shimmery white fabric and then attached the pictures on top. I'm glad to have these pictures up!

For craft group a month or two ago we made these frames from cheap wooden craft frames. I painted them and glued paper and ribbons on to match the brown and green that is in my bathroom.

These are waiting for a new baby to be born... they are outside the girl's room (which is brown and pink with polka dots) and will have pictures of the kids in them eventually. I taped in this leftover fabric which matches the decor in their room for a mat.

The big wording above the frames below was not made by myself (but was a STEAL) and I wanted to make some frames to go underneath to fill in the wall of our bedroom a little better. Our room is sagey green, tan and blue so these match well. I tarnished and sanded the frames and made mats from scrapbook paper.

I had previously made the magnet board in the center below but wanted some other frames to add by it. I painted and glued paper and flowers to some super cheap craft frames, somehow managing to find paper identical to the magnet board I made two years previously. Hooray.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Nursing Cover

And another nursing cover... I pretty much destroyed the one I made for my oldest daughter and this one is longer around and shorter so I am not so much of a tent while nursing. I also skipped putting in boning around the neck because it is easier to fold up and keep nice without it, plus I never really needed to peek in with boning anyway. There is also also a big pocket on this one for burp cloths and such (you can't see that in this picture). Bring on the baby!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Farm Birthday Cake

For my older daughters birthday I decided to do a farm animal "theme," which really was just an excuse for me to make her a farm cake. I love making cakes like this because they are more like doing a fun craft than they are baking.  I must say that I am rather proud of how it turned out, mostly because I improved upon last year's cake a bit and didn't go totally crazy in the prep. Everything is edible again this year-The base is made of two easy funfetti type sheet cakes, layered with butter-cream frosting. The barn and silo are shaped out of rice krispie treats, covered with fondant, and the rest of the cake is covered with green fondant with all fondant animals with candy eyes. For her party I also prepared animal cupcakes- pigs, cows and chickens- made with frosting and candy.

Child Aprons

I grew up wearing these aprons all the time and wanted to make some for my girls. They are a Joy School pattern and are super easy to make. One piece of fabric (I used canvas and terrycloth), bias tape, sew down shoulder straps, and sew elastic to hold in place. I love them because they cover EVERYTHING, children can put them on without any assistance, and they are super durable. They cost about $6 to make. My daughter loved modeling them...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Baby Swing Makeover

Here is our baby swing cover before... yuck!

And after! Better I think, don't you? This was not as easy as I thought it would be (dang ruffles), but I am pretty proud of the finished product and it looks way more attractive than before (I just don't look too closely at my stitching!).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baby Car Seat Canopy

I knew I wanted to make one of these before baby girl #2 popped out. I was surprised by how simple it was to make! A yard of two types of fabric, sewed together and turned out, straps with velcro, and a bow to top it off. Lovely. I made it brown and blue because those are my car seat colors. Way better than draping a blanket. How nice would it be to be carried around in a snuggly, dark, warm bed all day?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bows and Buds

Flower clips designed by Lauren and Julie for craft group, July 4th bows designed by me!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom Blocks

July 4th Blocks designed by Margo for craft group (This is her picture). I happily made my own set.  I love these!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dance Costumes

I designed and sewed these dance costumes for my eleven adorable little dancers... the recital made it all worth it!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Subway Sign and Temple Tile.

I welcome any religious crafts in my home... the more the merrier. These were each designed for craft groups by friends, put together by me. Nice, huh?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Hangers

These door hangers were designed to go on my favorite little hanging fence. Kite, chick and umbrella designed and cut by me, rabbit designed by Cami, put together by me.

Spring Blocks

Spring blocks... idea and design from a friend. I redid them a little later (above) and added some summer blocks to the back.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Poofs and Pops

Decorative poofs made from folding, tying, trimming, and fluffing tissue paper. We hung these at a church dance along with balloons, and painted, glittered poster board hearts. Suckers made with chocolate molds. Always sweet!