Saturday, October 15, 2011

Frame Crazy

I had a lot of fun trying to fix up some of the old frames I had and made some new cheap crafty ones as well. It was fun to see what I could do to change them up with what I already had in the house!

I cut out pictures from the Ensign and made a "mat" around both documents. I have a white Proclamation that has a temple showing through to put in that one eventually.

I made these in an another attempt to boost the amount of religious art in my house...

I have also really wanted to get some folk dance pictures up so I used this big frame to make a collage of some pictures taken of us on stage...

I also FINALLY got some wedding pictures up...over six years later. I have always had some in little frames but nothing really substantial. You can't see it in this picture, but I took out the backs of these frames and put in some shimmery white fabric and then attached the pictures on top. I'm glad to have these pictures up!

For craft group a month or two ago we made these frames from cheap wooden craft frames. I painted them and glued paper and ribbons on to match the brown and green that is in my bathroom.

These are waiting for a new baby to be born... they are outside the girl's room (which is brown and pink with polka dots) and will have pictures of the kids in them eventually. I taped in this leftover fabric which matches the decor in their room for a mat.

The big wording above the frames below was not made by myself (but was a STEAL) and I wanted to make some frames to go underneath to fill in the wall of our bedroom a little better. Our room is sagey green, tan and blue so these match well. I tarnished and sanded the frames and made mats from scrapbook paper.

I had previously made the magnet board in the center below but wanted some other frames to add by it. I painted and glued paper and flowers to some super cheap craft frames, somehow managing to find paper identical to the magnet board I made two years previously. Hooray.

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