Friday, May 18, 2012

Fabric Wreath

What to do with an old crappy wreath that you got for free? This, I guess! I was THIS close to giving it away, but my friend gave me some leftover green spray paint, so I felt the urge to spray it and see what would happen. I love this green!

While poking around, I saw this stinking amazing ruffly wreath HERE and really wanted to attempt it... BUT, I didn't have nearly enough fabric laying around that would match. I am uber cheap so I decided to attempt it later when I find a rockin remnant sale. However, I did have some leftover cheapy duck fabric and some tan and brown pieces leftover after cropping some pants (yes, I even save those pieces) and decided to make some roses. It evolved into this!

Each piece was pretty simple to make. The blog linked above has a tutorial to make the roses and I just made up some other little things to fill it in. Everything is sewn messily by hand or tied with fabric pieces. The fabric on the top is just wrapped and everything is hot glued on. Simple. This took me only a few evening hours to complete and looks a heck of a lot better than it did before.

Best part of this project? It cost me absolutely NOTHING, except for the hot glue and a yard or two of thread. Perfect. I love recycling.

I think it might be fun to eventually cut a letter "R" monogram to hang in the center, or to add little house numbers to the side, what do you think?

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