Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Crafts

Here are this year's crop of Christmas crafts so far. I am especially proud that I used only leftover wood, blocks, ribbon, paint and vinyl sitting around in my craft room. I really have to use up stuff before I move! My husband has been traveling a lot so I have been getting some really good therapy out of my current craft projects...

 What do you do with a bunch of free cut blocks taking up space upstairs? Snowmen, I guess. I couldn't decide which version I liked better, so I made both designs to give away. I like that the kids can play with them, stacking and unstacking the snowman!

 I love it when I finally find a use for old cheapy craft junk. I had this Let it Snow sign and snowflake from like seven years ago from a dollar store and never could figure out what to do with them. Now I have something for January!

More to come!

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