Monday, March 25, 2013

Family Birthday Board

My husband has been practically begging me to make one of these... A project my husband is supporting, no, asking for? How could I resist? He has a hard time remembering important birthdays so hopefully this helps us be more mindful of our family members. My kids have been particularly interested in learning about their family members that are far away so I hope this helps them as well.

I had cut and routered this board a while ago so it just took designing vinyl, inserting the hooks, and making the birthday circles. I made it to match the colors of my neutral family home evening board since we don't know what our next apartment will be like.

I love having it on the wall! I promise only the picture is crooked...

Friday, March 15, 2013

80s Cake

My husband turned 30 this year. What better way to celebrate getting old by remembering what it was like to feel young? My husband loves the 80s... his favorite music and movies are from the 80s and I thought it would be hilarious to have an 80s party with our friends and make this 80s cake!! It was fun to make!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Felt Board for Children

I love love love love that I put together these felt activities for my kids. They have been a big hit. I stole many of my ideas from Pintrest but made them my own. I didn't need templates, I just went to town on my big box of leftover felt that I've had taking up space in my craft closet forever. It didn't take me long at all and was fun to do. My three-year-old and sixteen-month-old go berserk for these and I pull them out often.

I made felt boards out of the shallow wooden boxes that a pair of Melissa and Doug magnet dress-up dolls came in. I have had them stashed forever and finally found a use for them! I spray-glued felt on the back and they make great individual boards. I might also glue some felt in the compartments on the other side for some fun.

I also made a simple travel felt board for church in a laminated file folder. Not super pretty, but functional. I just glued and stapled the felt in. Easy sneezy.

All the pieces are kept in individual, quart size baggies and they fit into a basket on a shelf in my closet. I may sew the bottoms of the bags together into a book with a cover for convenience. We love these!

Personal favorite... Human body organs and bones. 

Cupcakes. I am making little cards with cupcake templates to copy too.

Funny Faces. I want to add to this one...
Build a Rainbow

 House and Nature

Pizza Parlor

Okay so this isn't for the felt board, but I love these. Button the squares onto the snake! 

Christmas Tree

Shapes. I have shape sorting sheets I use with these and we like to make pictures and patterns. 

Seasonal Tree. I am making snowy branches for this one too. 

Butterfly Buddies. 

Easter Egg Decorating and Counting. Some of these pieces have mysteriously disappeared...

Weaving. I may glue the edges down on a separate sheet of felt to make it easier to weave. I remember having something similar in my nice quiet book as a child. 

Ocean Scene. My toddler is really into fish. 

Another favorite... Snowman Building. 

Jack-O-Lantern Faces

Dinner Plate. I want to make a stove and add to this one...


Glass Temple Block

I had a few of these left over from Super Saturday and thought I might try etching them... I like how it turned out! It is simple and calm. I didn't get great pictures, but together these cover it. I'm always happy to have more reminders of the temple in the house.